Classic Racer

WHIT’S WISDOM! WARNING – ADULT LANGUAGE USED OR INFERRED! (and one naughty picture!) Part two


The Good Life!

My dad David had a self-sufficiency thing going on for a while and boy was he was tight! We had a boiler for heating but logs were too expensive for him, so he did some deals. We had an MoT station for a while and some other guy had a place getting chipboard wastage, so they had free MoTs and we had chipboard to fuel the boiler. Then he realised he could use horse manure as fuel… He came up with a device that if you squashed it that much and dried it out – you could burn horse shit as fuel… The device had a ram off of a JCB attached to a cylinder, with drilled holes in it. The ram/piston would squeeze it all and make bricks out of horse shit… He burned it on the fire al lright – but it stunk – and so did we. It wasn’t worth the effort really!


Earning a crust…

Another money-saving idea from my dad was collecting crusts of bread. Dad had his garage in Halifax and one of his mates was a Greek/Cypriot (this was the mid-1970s) and he ran a cafe. Anyway, Costa was asked by my dad that when he was in the cafe, the customers got slices of bread and butter but never any crusts. Costa said something along the lines of the fact that his was a quality establishment and that crusts were never served, instead they went to the pig man, who picked up edible waste. Course, dad started collecting all of Costa’s left-over crusts and he put them together to make a loaf of crusts which he passed off to us kids as some sort of delicacy…

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