

Drew Barrymore isn’t sure she belongs in this magazine. “Entrepreneur is a word I aspire to, but it’s not how I feel,” she says. “It sounds like someone who’s got their shit together. If this magazine was called Human Foibles, I’d be perfect. Which is to say: If anyone else out there is struggling to get it all done, I relate.”

But she also can offer a simple coping mechanism, a habit she formed recently that’s helped keep her focused through a year of reinvention. Instead of obsessing over what she hasn’t gotten to, she lists out everything she has accomplished. “We don’t often take inventory of what we’ve done—it’s very much a to-do-list kind of world,” she says. “But once in a while, make an ‘I’ve done this’ list.”

The exercise has given her moments of feeling a little less frantic and a little less

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