Biden Could Call The Massacres Of Armenians Genocide. Here's What That Means

U.S. lawmakers expect President Biden to recognize the World War I-era mass killing and deportation of Armenians as genocide — even if it makes Turkey angry.
Armenian refugees on the deck of a French cruiser that rescued them in 1915 during the massacre of the Armenian populations in the Ottoman Empire.

For decades, U.S. presidents have avoided calling the World War I-era mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces an act of genocide.

Now, U.S. lawmakers expect President Biden to make that declaration on Saturday as Armenians mark the anniversary of the atrocities. News reports indicate that while the move is likely, Biden has not made a final decision.

The possible declaration would be hailed by Armenian communities, lawmakers and human rights advocates who have lobbied for it. But it would also damage already strained ties with Turkey.

Although some Turkish leaders have at times voiced regret for the killings, Turkey denies that they constitute genocide and fiercely opposes anyone using the term to describe the period.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a statement Thursday in anticipation of Biden's announcement, said Turkey "will

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