Bicycling Australia


WHAT STARTED WITH A CYCLING KIT FROM HER DAD as a 14th birthday gift rapidly morphed into an impressive career as an athlete, with the Australian Institute of Sport and corporates taking notice to send Carlee around the world and pitted with and against the best athletes on offer. Coco Henry speaks with Carlee about her life as a professional cyclist.


CARLEE TAYLOR: I was lucky—my dad raced his bike when I was growing up. When I turned 14 he bought me a cycling kit for my birthday and he would take me to the track to train and do the local racing. I never went through talent ID—which is where most kids get spotted—but because I was racing against those kids and getting results I was noticed by the South Australian Institute of Sport (SASI).

I came 2nd in the time trial at Nationals in the Under 15s, and 4th in the road race with dad as my

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