More from Popshot Magazine

Popshot Magazine9 min read
Dale types text to overlay the photo: You are about to receive ten thousand dollars! Type yes if you believe! He clicks save, names it, using a naming format he’s adopted to keep track of his thousands of affirmations, then pulls up the next photo, a
Popshot Magazine1 min read
Boy And Mouse
He had a rubber mouse that he would talk towhen nobody else was aroundand he was able to be most like himself.Whenever he wasn’t digging holes, or playingwith his cars in the dirt, he would be deepin conversation with his mouse, his friend.Nothing th
Popshot Magazine3 min read
8 – Skye Fulcher has made up quite a few stories but has a habit of not showing them to people. Her works include poetry, non-fiction and short stories. She lives in Canterbury, Kent, UK. 10 – Mantz Yorke lives in Manchester, England. He is widely pu

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