History Revealed




Several films of the disaster – including the 1958 film A Night to Remember and the 1997 blockbuster Titanic – famously depict stewards locking third-class passengers below deck to stop them rushing to the lifeboats. But were those travelling in steerage really prevented from leaving the ship?

“This is one of many myths about Titanic that is simply not true,” explains Tim Maltin, author of several books on the sinking. “First and second-class stewards were actually sent to help third-class stewards direct steerage passengers to the boat deck from around midnight – and Titanic didn’t sink until 2.20am. There are several reasons why around three-quarters of those travelling third class (an estimated 537 of roughly 709 people) tragically died. One of these is that first and second-class passengers had better access to the lifeboats simply because they were physically nearer to them. There were no lifeboats on the third-class deck, so steerage passengers had to make their way up to the boat deck, and they did get assistance with that.

“But the main reason why soin Southampton with their six children – two of whom were boys aged 13 and 14. Like so many families with teenage boys, the entire family () was lost in the sinking.”

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