
My 3 Greatest Revelations

The “Dataome” Is Huge

The dataome is shorthand to describe all of the externalized information we generate in symbolic representations: drawings, music, books, computing, data storage. It’s all of the information we utilize and propagate, along with ourselves, through time and space. It’s not encoded in our genes but it’s clearly heritable. I can read a copy of a text from 1,000 years ago and it has stayed intact all that time. Money, too, now circulates through corporations and institutions that deal with information as their primary resource. The dataome is the correlation and dissemination of information or misinformation that has swamped us. It can feel like its own species.

If you take an elevated perspective, you can see this extraordinary continuum of weird stuff we call information has been emerging and propagating itself for billions of years on Earth. For me, the

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