The Big Issue


Steven MacKenzie hears his plans to save the planet

“It’s a pleasure to look at you. I’m sure many people have said you’re nice to look at.”

They haven’t.

“I think you should maybe get up on stage and say… look at me.”

Captain Kirk famously explored a strange new female of a different species in most episodes of Star Trek.

Ho wonder then that William Shatner’s opening line – simply to confirm the Zoom call is working – is a barrage of disarming charm.

I explain that I couldn’t be like him, somebody who everyone turns to look at when walking into a room. That seems like a nightmare.

“It is a nightmare!” he shouts. “Especially if you have a pimple on your nose. They would say, ‘Oh, look at him, he’s got a pimple on his nose, he must be human.’”

But is William Shatner human? At 90 he looks astounding. His voice still distinctive. Recently he has spoken about collaborating with StoryFile, a company that turns people into life-sized holograms that

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