Great Walks


“In going round this lake, Kilroy who was ahead of the party stopped, saying he saw a beautiful bird, which he recommended me to shoot to add to the collection. My gun being loaded with slugs in one barrel and ball in the other, I stopped the camel to get at the shot belt which I could not get without his laying down.

Whilst Mr Gill was unfastening it, I was screwing the ramrod into the wad over the slugs, standing close alongside of the camel. At this moment the camel gave a lurch to one side and caught his pack on the lock of my gun, which discharged the barrel; the contents of which first took off the middle finger of my right hand and entered my left cheek by my lower jaw, knocking out a row of teeth...”


diary entry by explorer John Ainsworth Horrocks during his 1846 expedition of SA’s Spencer Gulf exemplified the frequent struggle between the camel, Horrocks died.

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