What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

Creating a cancer power outage

This is a story about innovation, technology, bioelectricity, cancer and caution.

It is a carefully worded story because, unless you’re Pfizer or GlaxoSmithKline, placing the two C words, “cancer” and “cure” together in the same sentence is a perilous thing to do in Western society. It gets alternative medical clinics and alternative health magazines shut down, and brave, pioneering doctors disbarred … or worse.

Andrew Hague, president of CellSonic Ltd., is unafraid of putting the two Cs together. In fact, he has added a third C to the list.

He boldly and frequently states that his CellSonic VIPP device is a cure for cancer. Which is also why his company is based in the United Arab Emirates and his manufacturing facilities are in India—two countries where it is safe to pursue research on alternative cancer treatments and apply them in medical practice, unhindered by the presence of the American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Administration, the Medical Research Council or the Health Research Authority.

“If physics and not chemistry was the required subject for medical students beginning their training, the world of medicine would be completely different”

A self-taught engineer, Hague is clear that the world would be a better and much healthier place if the bioelectrical aspect of

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