All Creatures

peacebunny ISLAND

The sun peeks over the treetops, casting a glow inside Caleb Smith’s tent at 6:30 in the morning. The Mississippi River gently laps against the houseboat moored on the sandy bank near the site where he and his friends like to camp out when the weather is nice. A gentle nudge from the edge of his sleeping bag lets the 16-year-old Eagle Scout know he isn’t the only one awake.

“Morning, Huck,” he says, stroking the soft blue-gray Flemish rabbit emerging from where he had burrowed. Huckleberry’s nose twitches as he stretches. Caleb pulls on a hooded sweatshirt over his Peacebunny Island T-shirt.

The large bunny nudges his nose under the teen’s arm.

“I know,

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