Horoscope Guide

Love Lingers Longer

There is nothing worse than a guest that just won’t leave. In November, Venus will pay a visit to Capricorn, but rather than leave in a timely fashion, she will dig in her heels, turn around, and retrace her steps. How’s that for a difficult house guest?

We love Venus and Venus loves us, but why such a long visit? The answer is that after Venus enters Capricorn on November 5, she then slows down and turns retrograde on December 19 at 26 Capricorn, just near the edge of moving on to the next sign. She then stays in retro motion until she turns direct on January 29, 2022, at 11 Capricorn, and slowly gains her usual speed once more before finally, finally leaving Capricorn for Aquarius on March 6, 2022. That’s a total of four months in a sign that is somewhat at odds with the more romantic side of this planet. So it’s more than enough time for a usually sweet and pleasant house guest to wear out her welcome!

Who is Venus? She is known as the planet of love, and governs romance with a capital R, from the sweet hand-holding affection of young lovers to the clandestine trysts of those experienced in the art of love (and the art of sneaking around). In more general terms, Venus has a big say in the image we

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