

Twenty prospective students, myself included, stood in a loose circle around Ted, the course coordinator. “This course,” he told us, “will change your life. By the end of the first semester, you’ll be looking at the world differently. Even that window,” he said, flourishing his hand, “you’ll look through with an artist’s eye. So, don’t come expecting a holiday, or a break from work. You’ll work harder here than you’ve ever worked before. And not just in this studio. You’ll be completing assignments late at night, and on weekends when you’d rather be at the beach. In all these ways, you’ll be training your eye to see the world as it really is, rather than as you might like it to be.”

I looked out the window. “I can guess what you’re thinking,” said Ted, addressing the group. “How can a two-day-a-week drawing course take over your life?” He glanced over to Julie, the co-teacher. She laughed. “This course used to be your typical adult education course,” said Ted, pulling down a white linen shirt over blue jeans. “Classes were held mainly at night, with no formal assessment. Thankfully, all that has changed. Unless you’re in

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