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Psychologies9 min read
“Friendship Delivered So Much Of What Romantic Love Had Promised”
When you picture the stereotypical single woman, who comes to mind? It might be Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, Bridget Jones, or even Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love – but what is true for all of these characters is that their singledom is a h
Psychologies5 min read
What’s Your Fresh-start Barrier?
Tick the answers that most closely apply to you, then add up the symbols. Read the section, or sections, you ticked most, to find out how to come across as quietly confident 1 You could sum up life right now as a ♥ Rollercoaster ..................
Psychologies4 min read
In The Mood
Not only did the death of the dinosaurs allow our ancestors to flourish, scientists say it inadvertently led to the birth of wine, too. The discovery of fossilised grape pips in the Americas, dating to 60 million years ago, bolster a theory that it w

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