frankie Magazine


Can you believe it? Another year of Good Stuff is done and dusted, and boy oh boy, were we blown away by your entries We tip our hats to everyone who gave it a go and sent in their work – the judging process certainly wasn’t easy.

After much lively debate (and a fair bit of hair-pulling), we hereby present our awesome winners. Read on to learn more about them, and to check out their creations, head straight to or scan the QR code below.



What do you do together? Namcheja Maghembe: We make a podcast for rebellious spirits who aren’t afraid to tackle the taboo. Nikila Cranage: We chat to thought-provoking guests on topics such as gay conversion therapy, decolonising sexuality and escaping from a cult. Rosalind Anketell: You should listen in if you want to hear two queer friends banter, and if you’re drawn to conversations that are a little bit bad (in the best way). Why did you start your podcast? RA: We’ve been friends for 12 years, and making space for hard conversations is something we cherish in our friendship. NC: Our podcast exists to normalise being vulnerable in difficult conversations. We wanted to showcase the stories that we craved growing up. What do you hope people take away from your work? RA: I’ve learnt that if I’m uncomfortable talking about something, I have more to learn (and unlearn). Bad Behavior has taught me to embrace uncertainty. NM: I hope people take away an understanding of their privilege, and question their preconceived ideas of identity. We need to celebrate diversity and champion marginalised voices. NC: Shame always comes up in our conversations. It can be scary to explore new ideas – I hope listeners give themselves time without guilt. Meet yourself where you currently are! What did your high-school careers counsellor suggest you do? NM: Chef, archaeologist, marine biologist – clearly I was multi-talented. NC: Be more organised (I have chaotic Aries energy). RA: I avoided my careers counsellor – I had a problem with authority. What do you stand for? NC: Radical empathy – it’s OK to be unsure and confused when dealing with tough topics. RA: Celebrating growth, exploration and the sheer joy that comes from discovering new perspectives! What are you working on next? NM: Our next season! We have some really cool topics planned, including exploring asexuality, being a refugee in Australia, and living with HIV. Biggest achievement so far? RA: Winning Best Arts and Culture Podcast at the 2020 Australian Podcast Awards was pretty cool. NC: Every time we get a DM from a listener who shares their story, it completely makes our day and reminds us why we make the show. Which tool could you not do without? RA: My guitar. NC: Earrings, coffee, chocolate. NM: Can I be basic and say my phone? Why did you enter the Good Stuff awards? NC: I am a lifelong frankie fan! I just wanted to open a frankie mag and see me and my friends (thank you!). What would you have been voted ‘Most likely to’ back in high school? NC: To solve a cold case. NM: To laugh at an inappropriate time. RA: To kill every houseplant she’s ever owned. Where can we see your work? We’re on all podcasting and streaming platforms, and on Instagram at @badbehaviorpodcast.

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