

There are some who need more than just an annual holiday in the bush. On Eco-Trainingʼs guiding course in Selati and Karongwe game reserves and the Makuleke concession in northern Kruger, students of any age and stage can immerse themselves for 55 days in the Lowveld wilderness, learning from expert instructors. Hereʼs (some of) what youʼll learn…


There is a lot to learn in the bushveld, with several thousand species of mammals, birds, trees and insects. The diversity of life is mind blowing, even intimidating. Where do you start?

ʻWe know less than one percent of one percent,ʼ said Brian Rode, our instructor at Karongwe Game Reserve. ʻIʼve never stopped learning, and thatʼs what makes living and working in the bush so incredibly rewarding.ʼ

We began by studying the most common species of mammals (and their tracks) and birds (and their calls). Then the regular species of trees, grasses, reptiles, insects, arachnids and amphibians.

Steenbok or duiker? Marula or false-marula? Is that a porcupine or honey badger track? Are those arrow-marked babblers or green wood-hoopoes calling? (A Roberts Bird Guide app is essential.)

We learnt how to use individual leaves to identify trees. Each species has its own unique leaf shape and structure, just like the tracks of animals.

After two weeks of daily practice in the field, these common

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