JOY! Magazine

When Your Lamp is Trimmed

Part 1

Have you ever had that feeling of being locked out? That moment when you realise that you have locked your key inside the car, or find yourself standing at the door of your own house, the key nowhere to be found? That sinking feeling of helplessness and exploding questions of “what happens now?” or “what did I do?”. I am sure that we have all been there. Can you imagine, however, finding yourself locked out from the marriage supper of the Lamb?

Jesus taught in parables

“The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.”
– Proverbs 10:8

Yeshua (Jesus) used parables Sometimes when we are in trying situations, the only view we seem to have of the situation is from a place of our own feelings or emotions. Emotions and feelings are fine to experience, but become really dangerous when they become the GPS for our discernment or rudder for our conduct. Taking a divine “Revelation-washed look” at our situation through Abba Father’s truth sometimes shocks us, warns us, and guides us to see our situation through His eyes. There are many times, amongst many other reasons, why Jesus taught in parables.

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