The European Business Review


Every generation likes to believe that they are different from those that came before them – “new and improved” as advertisers like to call it. But are the young people entering the workforce today very different from those that have come before them?

There are doubts about how you define these different generations: what you call them and precisely how many there are in the workforce. The Veterans (or Traditionalists) have around 1925-1945 as their birth dates; the Baby Boomers around 1945-1965; Generation X and Y from 1965 to 1985, the Millennials from 1985 to 2002 and anyone since is classified as the newly emerging Generation Z.

So how many are there now in the workforce? About 5-10% are Traditionalists; 30-40% Baby Boomers; 30% Generation Xers; the remainder (20-30%) Millenials. It is argued that different generations have

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