
Spreading a little good

Jason Maggs was standing in the middle of LAX airport when he looked up to see the name of the charity program he helped launch in the US, AIME Mentoring, displayed on the flight information screen.

Maggs, along with AIME CEO Jack Manning Bancroft, had spent the previous six months putting the program together, which would connect disadvantaged students in the US with career mentors. The pair spent months creating a campaign and securing free media space to promote the program, as well as organising the travel of mentors. Now, standing with the rest of the AIME group at the airport waiting to leave for New York, Maggs describes this moment as one of the proudest in his life. But equally, he says setting up the program was very challenging, a process that brought him to the brink of tears at one point.

“We had all these amazing individuals, incredible future leaders of America all standing there with their bags packed and ready to get on the flight and I looked up at where you usually see your flight number show up, and it said the AIME plane taking off,”. “That moment was by far and away the proudest I've felt in my career. I get chills thinking about it now. It was a beautiful moment.

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