Yachting World


Nathan picked up our anchor in Roque Harbour in a light breeze, with a plan to sail to nowhere in particular. Maine’s vast cruising grounds tempted us with options in every direction. Miguel was at the helm, steering out of our idyllic overnight spot while crew Peter, Debbie, and John watched for lobster traps. We settled on making a course towards Portland, and the Maine coast disappeared in our wake as noon approached, promising an overnight sail in moderate breezes. September was just around the corner and the temperature gradually cooled the further offshore we sailed.

My husband, Nathan, and I were mid-way through a training passage on our Compass 47, , and on our first overnight sail of the week. Usually, I’d stand a night watch by myself while Nathan, as skipper, would float between the crew’s watch shifts. This time, as we planned to tack later, he stayed up with me till we changed course. Three hours flew by as we sailed over the cold, calm sea and soon my watch was finished ready for Peter and Miguel to take over. Nathan and I went down to our berths to rest as sailed through the night without incident, but by morning, Nathan was unable to get out of his bunk without tremendous pain. Although he tried to rest, when the boat heeled over, punching into waves, his pain intensified. Nathan’s experience as an emergency medical technician gave him

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