Minecraft World Magazine


Thank you to so many of you for taking the time to write in and tell us all about your fantastic Minecraft creations, collections, cakes, and ideas! We love receiving all your interesting letters, so be sure to get in touch about anything Minecraft related!

You can write to us via email. Our address is: [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you! Here’s the latest collection of letters…


I like your mags and this is my picture of a village with an iron golem and a mineshaft and cave underneath.

Aged 9

That’s a lot to pack into one picture, Joseph, and fortunately you’ve done a wonderful job! Thanks for sending it into us!


This is one of the best magazines I’ve ever read! Please can you put my picture in! Thank you!

Aged 9

We absolutely can, Elliot–it’s very much our pleasure! Please say a big hello to your mum for us who wrote to us telling us

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Minecraft World Magazine
Editor Simon Brew Production Editor Phil King Contributors James Hunt, John Moore, David Crookes Head of Production Stephen Catherall Art Laura Pelham Email: [email protected] Commercial Sales Director Clare Dove Account Manager Kevin Stoddar

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