More from Popular Woodworking

Popular Woodworking3 min read
The Tisch Toy Shop
I first learned about exploding outhouses when I was about six or seven. Maybe you’ve seen them: little banks in the shape of an outhouse with a coin slot on top, and a hidden mousetrap inside. Dropping a coin inside makes the whole thing fly apart.
Popular Woodworking1 min read
No Math Octagons
I’m not a numbers guy, so I hate complicated formulas for figuring out dimensions. I’d given up making octagonal wood blanks for my lathe until I discovered this technique. No measuring required! You can also do this on your bandsaw.
Popular Woodworking1 min read
Zip-Tie Depth Gauge
I first used this technique to measure tire tread depth, but found it to be quite useful in the shop to find depths of holes or to transfer measurements. Just cut off the “zipper” end of the zip tie, insert the straight end into the hole and zip it t

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