JOY! Magazine

Seeing Your FUTURE With FAITH, Not Fear

As we start 2022, I’d like to share about God’s vision for your future. Let’s start with Paul giving his courtroom testimony to King Herod Agrippa, an official of the Roman Empire. Paul explains how Jesus transformed him from being a religious terrorist who was murdering

Christians, to becoming a Christian missionary.

That’s a pretty big U-turn. He details the vision for his life that Jesus gave him, then he concludes by saying, in Acts chapter 26:19, “So

King Agrippa, I have not been disobedient to the vision God gave me.”

I hope this teaching will help you get to the place that you’re able to say the same thing one day, when you stand before God to give an account of your life. Every Christian’s goal should be to say to God, “I fulfilled the vision that you gave me for my life.” But you can’t fulfil your life’s vision until you see it first, and then you understand it. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Now what does that mean? Well, there are at least three results of not having a vision for your life:


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