MASK The Magazine


egulating emotions is something that can be challenging for kids. Things that might seem inconsequential for adults, like not being able to wear a favorite shirt or needing to take a bath, can sometimes throw kids into a state of extreme distress and big

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Biblically Integrated Version Kindergarten to 6th Grade Includes MASK+ Chapel and MASK+ Prayerfulness Activities! AVAILABLE FOR SCHOOLS, CLUBS, HOME SCHOOLING, AND FAMILIES Learn more at: ■
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Take 5
Children learn from observing. Here are five tips on how to help your children demonstrate gratitude: 1 Verbally Express Gratitude: Regularly saying “thank you” teaches kindness and respect and shows the importance of acknowledging others’ kindness.
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Gratitue Attitude
Whether we like it or not, we are raising children in a culture of instant gratification and entitlement and because of that, as parents, we need to work twice as hard to instill in our children an attitude of gratitude. It’s not just a matter of pol

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