The American Poetry Review


Petrichor Lecture

Hant I on the after noun wan
rain pourn in this ember
san diego hand over
the reeding in hand then
routes racing to say
what fortunate when
rain can say

Petrichorous petrichorus
lector on petra pale
through rain in the desert
does earth petrel rain
prickling my skin in
the mourn trickle
december trails

Year’s end petral withdrawal
future’s end read
in the haptic drift’s
happening I’m umbral
on board fated to fade
in rain untravel untrammel
uncastled rook

Or king rooks sing petrachoral
morning in Normal Heights
rain on the ground or in air
an air not raveling but in strands
or points noted railing wren
arrive rooks and wrens
bend air in coarse weave and

Waves the earth entersthrough rain and swears petricorepetrikouros pretty and soar the airclears and wavers the sun sayerairs and wayers the cours coeurcorps chorus kouros kaurquai queer quer core

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