Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy


After days of tough fighting since D-Day, the 101st Airborne Division had succeeded in occupying the high ground to the north of Carentan by 11 June, and they spent the next day moving down and around the town to secure it.

In the afternoon of 12 June, orders were issued for the 501st and 506th Parachute Infantry Regiments to attack south and west from Carentan. The 506th PIR moved out towards the town of Baupte on this ambitious plan, despite already being very understrength from losses since D-Day.

The advance soon ran into German defences and became heavily engaged across the front. Eventually the order came to pull back and consolidate for the night. A confusing night ensued and at one point a patrol that was thought to be friendly turned out to be Germans. They attacked the battalion command post before being fought off.

The company commanders received their orders for the following day’s attack. It was decided that 2nd Platoon, D Company, 506th PIR, commanded by Lieutenant Ronald Speirs, would capture the farmhouse where the German patrol had first been seen in order to secure the flank.

The next morning, the farmhouse was targeted by the 506th’s 81 mm mortar platoon.

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