
Heart in Motion

Do you believe in prayer? I do. This is my fourth story in Guideposts. The first time was back in 1986, when I was at the outset of my music career, a story about loneliness, part of a series Guideposts was doing on the subject. Loneliness was something many folks mentioned in their letters to Guideposts Prayer Fellowship. I wrote about how I use prayer to overcome loneliness when it strikes, and it strikes just about everyone at one time or another. Even Jesus was lonely in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The next story, in 2005, was about giving and giving thanks, and how any act of generosity, no matter how small, truly makes a difference. My guiding prayer? “Lord, lead me today to those I need and to those who need me, and let something I do have eternal significance.”

The third story, in 2013, was about my dad’s battle with Alzheimer’s. He was a brilliant man, a radiation oncologist who was dedicated to his patients and to learning. It was

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