Horoscope Guide

Astrology for The New Age

Mercury turns direct on June 3, and Venus spends most of the month in one of her own signs (conjoining Uranus there on June 11 at 16 Taurus), while Mars also goes through one of his own signs (Aries), starting and ending the month there and not getting into Taurus until July 5. Saturn makes his retrograde station on June 4 in one of his dignities (Aquarius), and Neptune pulls a similar stunt later in the month (June 28). Despite all that, we will take a look at Jupiter in Aries, partly because last month I promised to do so, and astrologers always keep their promises, except on those occasions when they don’t.

But first a brief note or two about Venus’ conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, all the while remembering our promise about Jupiter in Aries, of course. Venus would seem to have an uncomfortable relationship with Uranus even though she seems to qualify, in a strange way, as his child. I refer, of course, to the Greek creation myth that I’ve discussed in other columns. But perhaps we have more going on, here, than typical father daughter tensions, as with so-called “typical” tensions we imagine that the daughter wants more freedom to explore her world, while the father plays the role of protector,

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