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In It For The Long Haul
IT IS 8.30am on a beautifully crisp October’s morning. A group of horses and riders circle in anticipation on a hillside, looking out over the hills and valleys of East Devon. Wisps of autumnal mist drift across the landscape. My horse, a seasoned hu
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Ruling The Roast
THERE are a few things particular to every man or woman that make life worth living; the sort of things that we go on doing not because they will make us wealthier, healthier or wiser but quite simply happier. For me, this is Sunday lunch: a life rou
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Why Proper Conduct Is Key
GAME SHOOTING has never been more popular. Hundreds of thousands of honest, hardworking, decent people take part every week of the season. Most of them don’t even shoot: they beat, pick up, drive the game cart and have their lives enriched in a myria

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