More from Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children

Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
The wheels are wrapped in rubber bands,The handlebars are red,The seat is a silver bottle cap,The spokes are yellow thread, The frame is made from paper clips,Which makes it kind of creaky,And when the mice go down the laneThe ride is extra squeaky!
Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children2 min read
Not a Problem, Skinny Rabbit
Big Bear knocked on Skinny Rabbit’s door. No answer. Big Bear walked around the house. Skinny Rabbit was raking the grass under a tree. “What’s going on?” asked Big Bear. “I’m cleaning up leaves and sticks the storm blew down last night,” said Skinny
Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
Hooray for Service Dogs!
From roly-poly pups to magnificent mutts, dogs are good friends. And with careful training, some dogs can be very good helpers, too. Service dogs are trained to help people with disabilities. A person who is blind might have a service dog that lets h
