The Threepenny Review

Out of the Past: Pedro Almodóvar and Film Noir

ONE OF the most deeply personal works by a filmmaker whose cinema is never anything less than personal, Pedro Almodóvar’s 2004 spins a complicated, meta-filmic tale centered around two young gay artists in 1980s Spain: up-and-coming director Enrique Goded (Fele Martínez) and struggling actor Juan (Gael García Bernal). The latter will assume several roles throughout this tempestuous, shape-shifting drama, which reveals itself, in its final act, to be a work inspired by, and indebted to, classical American film noir—evident here in the structure of Almodóvar’s narrative, replete with extended flashbacks, psychologically revealing voiceovers, and a string of double-crosses, as well as in the self-serving motivations of his largely antiheroic characters. Through Bernal’s unscrupulous Juan, in particular, we find a character whose (triple) role-playing updates and absorbs the functions of noir’s femme fatale, funneling her treacherous energy and notorious status as an arousing and unknowable object of desire into a villainous

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The Threepenny Review is supported by Hunter College, the Bernard Osher Foundation, Campizondo Foundation, Mad Rose Foundation, and the George Lichter Family Fund. Our writer payments are underwritten by our Writers’ Circle, which includes Robert Bau
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Photo Credits
Front Cover: Caleb Stein, Snake and Column in Hudson Valley, 2022. 3: Caleb Stein, Scrap Yard, 2017. 4: Andrea Orejarena and Caleb Stein, Horse and Stairway (from Long Time No See), 2020. 7: Andrea Orejarena and Caleb Stein, Khoi's Bedroom Drawings (

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