More from Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children

Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
City Sillies
What silly things do you see in this big, busy city?■
Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
Pease Porridge
Pease por-ridge hot, pease por-ridge cold, pease por-ridge in the pot nine days old! Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot nine days old!
Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
Max and Kate
Charlie, Max, and Kate are cleaning out the garage. They find funny old clothes and a dusty chalkboard. Kate has an idea. “Let’s play school.” Miss Kate writes some letters for Charlie. Mr. Max helps Charlie read them out loud: “A! B! C!” Now Mr. Max

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