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Retro Gamer3 min read
Not My Cup Of Tea
Permission to say something controversial? And you have to believe me, I’m not doing this to be a contrarian and to start a fight. I used to do that on the radio years ago. I remember once saying on air we should close all libraries and turn them int
Retro Gamer2 min read
Highlights Of Norrath
◼ This halfling town is a picturesque spot beside a small lake. It’s not especially significant except for a vendor who sells both muffins and milk. IYKYK. ◼ This zone was unique in that it changed when the game time entered into night time, swapping
Retro Gamer2 min read
Demolition Racer: No Exit
» DREAMCAST » 2000 » PITBULL SYNDICATE I have defied the destiny of my bloodline. That’s a fairly dramatic statement, isn’t it? But it’s true – before me, the men on both sides of my family were lorry drivers, mechanics, chauffeurs, so I was born to
