More from History of War

History of War6 min read
Dwight W Birdwell
During the predawn hours of 30 January 1968, the Vietnam War took on a new dimension – and the thin line between life and death became all too real for Specialist Five Dwight W Birdwell. Launching attacks in 13 major cities across South Vietnam, comm
History of War12 min read
Airborne Under Siege arnhem
In the early hours of 26 September 1944, the exhausted survivors of British 1st Airborne began to evacuate the northern bank of the Rhine. This was the shameful culmination of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery’s Operation Market Garden. It had commenc
History of War4 min read
Battle Of Algiers
On 20 June 1956, two FLN prisoners were executed by guillotine in the courtyard of Barberousse Prison. The killings marked the beginning of a year-long struggle that came to be known as the Battle of Algiers. This was not, as its name suggests, a set

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