Trapper & Predator Caller


Working any trapline involves a long list of important items and a clear idea of how to run the operation. Even the most modest of lines will need a plan and close attention paid to the developing situations — both good and not so good. Like so many generals have said before: good strategy is the secret to any successful campaign.


The word strategy sounds all fancy to a ’rat runner or swamp tom chaser, but it really isn’t. Time, as we all know, is mighty slim come trapping season and the way you lay out things can either add hours or rob you blind. Professionals have the days carefully planned out, check routes lined up and all of the vital in-between points set up for success. Miles matter and well-thought-out lines add sets between long stretches of driving, rather than bypassing country. A few extra catches will justify extending a trapline to the horizon every time.

Speaking of the horizon, spend a few summer evenings leaning over your topography maps. Are you working wisely or is the line operated with less

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