
A Deeper Love

I have played in many memorable concerts over the years as a professional violinist.

None meant more to me than the one I was about to play at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis.

The sanctuary hummed with voices that afternoon as concertgoers arrived and took their seats in the pews. To my amazement, the church was nearly full. Ushers had to run to the office to print more programs.

I’m always a little keyed up before performances. That day, I could barely contain my emotions.

I had organized this concert. I’d asked the musicians, sent out invitations and selected the music, a mix of well-known composers (Bach, Brahms) and lesser-known contemporary pieces.

Most important, I had brought the guest of honor, sitting in the front row and looking no less dear to me than the day we married three decades earlier.

Mark and I were no longer married.

It had been six years since we divorced, after everything in our once happy household was turned upside down by changes in Mark’s personality that we both struggled to understand.

Yet here was Mark at a concert organized by me, dedicated to him. His name was

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