Retro Gamer

When I’m C64

I always felt sorry for the Commodore 64. In my world, it was either the Spectrum or the BBC. I cannot remember a single friend of mine owning a C64. I knew a couple that had VIC-20s but I don’t want to start a war here, so, let’s just agree to never mention those again.

Computers that looked was one of my fave shows as a kid and was almost definitely the forgotten inspiration for . A group of kids, led by a geek (he wore glasses and had an acoustic coupler) would solve crimes by hacking the Pentagon and the other three people that had the internet in 1983. I don’t think the computer used on there actually was a Commodore 64, but it looked like it. It was the computing equivalent of an Elvis impersonator – wasn’t quite right but it’ll do.

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