Your Pregnancy

Caesarean smarts

A caesarean section is major abdominal surgery, and you can only benefit if you prepare for it emotionally and mentally. If it is an emergency there won’t be much time to think anything through, but if it is a semi-emergency or elective, you have time to read up, starting here:


Whether you chose to have a c-section or were told to have one by your medical team, feelings of guilt might arise. Girl, get over it. Guilt serves no purpose in this scenario. Replace guilt with gratitude that you live in 2022 with access to excellent medical care. Caesareans are the most common major surgical procedure women undergo today and, while many consider South Africa’s high c-section rate a scandal, it also means that the team looking after you in the operating theatre is very experienced!


There’s a lot of admin to be done. Tackle as much of it in advance as you can. You’ll likely need a medical aid pre-authorisation number. Some hospitals document pre-booking details the day before admission. Do as much as you can online. Read the various consent forms in advance, so you know what you’re signing.

You will be given an admission time

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