

Your brain is, quite literally, who you are. It’s the odd-looking container of your thoughts and feelings and memories, and it controls your ability to communicate, make decisions, problem-solve, and live a productive and full life. So it’s a wise idea to keep it in peak condition!

Luckily, we’re learning more by the day about what impacts our brain health, and it’s becoming clear that lifestyle is the key. And while most people probably already know that eating lots of fruits and veggies (organic, if possible) is good for our bodies, we’re now discovering that maintaining a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, is just as important for our minds.

So how do we begin to care for and future proof our brains? That’s where nutritional psychiatry comes in.

When you stop to think about it, your brain is always ‘on’; it works hard 24/7, even while you’re asleep, which means it requires a constant

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