Mother & Baby India

Twice the cuddles!


My husband Abhishek and I met in college, but were completely unaware of each other’s existence. It was only when the two of us went to the US for an exchange program did we meet each other. We connected instantly and began dating soon after. In 2016, we decided to finally take the plunge after two years together, and get married We were married quite young, so we didn’t think about kids so soon. But my grand mum passed away, and I was quite attached to her. Everyone kept insisting to carry on the family and that’s what she would’ve wanted, and that got us thinking too. So we decided to start trying. No sooner than we started trying, we conceived—we were really lucky. There were no complications, no failures, just an unexpected ease of things, which made us believe like this was truly meant to be.

Abhishek was sleeping when I showed him the home pregnancy test. I think he was still in a daze when I told him, but his excitement kicked in soon after. For our families, we

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