What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

Safety last: How the FDA overlooked vital Covid vaccine studies

Yes, approval of the Covid-19 vaccines was fast-tracked to counter the global pandemic, but safety tests weren't skipped, the official narrative tells us. But new research suggests that drug regulators, such as America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA), failed to follow up with volunteers and didn't record adverse reactions that might have changed public health policy.

Moderna's Spikevax and Pfizer's BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccines are both more likely to put you in the hospital with a serious adverse event than to keep you out by protecting against a serious Covid reaction, a new study has found.

Researchers headed up by Dr Peter Doshi, editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), have analyzed data sets from both companies to reveal that the rate of serious adverse reactions is 10.1 per 10,000 shots (0.1 percent) for Pfizer's vaccine and 15.1 per 10,000 shots (0.15 percent) for Moderna's, above placebo. Together, the two vaccines caused 12.5 serious adverse reactions per 10,000 vaccines (0.12 percent).

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