The Saturday Evening Post


Your chronotype is your body's natural disposition to be awake or asleep at certain times. People typically fall into one of four chronotype categories, each based on an animal's sleep patterns and habits. By knowing your chronotype, you can time activities to maximize your productivity and sleep.

DOLPHINS are light sleepers and tend to have trouble staying asleep at night. Their peak productivity hours are in the midmorning to early afternoon.

LIONS wake up early and have their peak productivity hours in the morning. They tend to get tired in the early evening.

BEARS have energy cycles that rise and fall with the sun and are most productive in the daytime.

WOLVES stay up and sleep later. They tend to start falling asleep when lions are starting to wake up.

This caused them to feel imperiled, leaving the men vulnerable to the angry deadly evil spirits of their ancestors.

Sure enough, 117 of them died, one at a time,, , the heart condition was triggered by the belief system, which was, in effect, what killed them.

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