You South Africa


THE new year marks three years since Covid-19 crashed onto our shores. In some ways it feels like a distant memory, in others as if it were just yesterday.

The panic, the fear, the uncertainty, the craziness, the grief – all became part of our lives as the pandemic raged and life as we knew it screeched to a halt.

But now here we are, slap bang in the middle of the first festive season without any restrictions since 2020. Back then beaches were closed, hospitals were overrun, liquor sales were banned, mask-wearing was the law . . . Times were hectic.

Life has pretty much got back to normal, but Covid is still a thing – and across in China, where the virus first raised its ugly head in 2019, it’s still a very big thing.

We look at what’s being going on around the world and in SA.


In October 2022 China saw

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