More from World War II

World War II2 min read
Strangers On A Plane
AT DUSK ON FEBRUA RY 22, 1943, Pan American Airways’ Yankee Clipper began its long descent to the Tagus River in Lisbon, Portugal. A few moments later, as raindrops pelted the windscreen and lightning lit up the sky, the tip of the left wing caught t
World War II3 min read
Reality, Check!
NOT SO LONG AGO, I had an extraordinary experience. I sat in the pilot’s seat of an Avro Lancaster, a British four-engine heavy bomber from World War II, gazing through the windshield at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire, England. The four Merlin engines
World War II4 min read
THERE ARE MOMENTS when the world pivots and nothing will ever be the same again. July 16, 1945, is one such time. Early that morning in the bleak desert of New Mexico, a brilliant explosion heralded the dawn of a new age of history—the atomic age. Wi

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