Family Tree UK

Sealed with a loving kiss…

When we write letters, even emails, we use different endings depending on the recipient. Typically, these graduate from the business-like ‘yours faithfully’ and ‘yours sincerely’, to the more modern ‘kind regards’, ‘best wishes’, and on closer acquaintance, ‘with love from’, ‘all my love’, ‘your ever loving’, etc.

I always think it must be a magic moment in Frenchspeaking populations when you change from using vous to tu and you know your relationship has progressed to a closer level. English would have used thee and thou centuries ago, but now those intimate words are only heard of in poetry, when reading the Bible and older literature and of course in the traditional marriage service: ‘Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife...’


Sealed with a loving kiss. Did you ever put that on the back of

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