Chat Specials


Claire Montello, 41, from Derbyshire

Switching off the telly, I sighed to myself.

Alone again, I thought.

It was 23 January 2020, and my husband Francesco, 64, had been away all day.

Working as a carer, he often had to do 48-hour shifts.

He’d been gone since 7.30am and was only due back home the following day.

I missed him terribly when he was away, but I was so proud of the work he was doing.

Now, at around 9.30pm, I’d grown bored of the telly.

‘I guess I’ll have an early night,’ I said to myself, heading upstairs to the bedroom.

Slipping into my pyjamas, I decided to listen to some music on my MP3 player to help me drift off to sleep.

I listened to it most nights, the sounds of Scooter helping me head into the land of nod.

I knew my

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