

It was the night before Christmas, and as PUB rode along the frozen road she spied a café in the mist, and was that a motorcycle parked there… But ghost stories are not a forte of the column, and actually it was the Sunday before Christmas when she had not been out on her bike for around a fortnight, the previous weekend having been too cold and threatening snow. Once again it was too cold, but bravado said go out anyway, even though there would almost certainly be nobody else there. But she was confounded, there was a silly sausage at the Super Sausage, although Dave was not as silly as herself, and came with a stabiliser on his BMW (ie. a sidecar with dog).

But now it is sackcloth and ashes time (again). December's column quoted the Ducati 750SS (swoon) as reaching the Bonhams top price, but without the actual auction price, which was £172,500 - oops. Then before that, November's column showed a picture, as did various other publications, captioned as Princess Elizabeth training to ride a motorcycle. However, it transpires that this photo does not date from her ATS days in 1945, but a few years earlier and appeared in ‘The Motor Cycle’ for 1942 (at which time she was only 15, going on 16). It was apparently mis-identified by a journalist back in the 1990s and has been widely accepted ever since.

If the web story is correct then it was even supplied to the Palace, who appeared to

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