Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens



WITH THE EXCEPTION of the slight rustling of dried stalks where the rice had once grown in the spring, the silence was as oppressive as the lump Ju-Lin felt in her throat. She gazed at the parched rice paddies and wondered when she had last seen a raindrop. The severe drought had dried all the crops and spread despair across the land like wildfire. Now, it had suddenly taken on an even more ominous meaning, for Ju-Lin had felt her world come to a crashing halt with her father’s words moments earlier.

“Ju-Lin,” her father had said that evening, “the time I dread has come. There is so little food left that even the crickets have failed to chirp. Our family will surely die from hunger if I do not take this wretched step. I can only beg your forgiveness for needing to sell you, my only daughter, in exchange for food, but alas, there is no hope left!”

Ju-Lin sobbed with her parents, who were miserable at the thought of her being a slave in some wealthy household. She knew she would be the one to go, as she was the oldest and the only girl, for custom dictated that sons remain at home to carry on the family name and honor. She could only pray that she wouldn’t have to leave soon.

As luck would have it, though, a kind, old matchmaker happened to stop by their farm that very night. Now, this matchmaker, or as she was called, was very well known in her business. She had the knack of bringing people together from different

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