Captain Sensible

“I was No 1 for seven weeks in France. I used to go to the best restaurants and order the best brandy”

CAPTAIN Sensible is taking the positive reaction to The Damned’s new single “The Invisible Man” with a pinch of salt. “I mean, nobody’s gonna come straight out and say it’s a load of old bollocks,” he reasons. “Well, some of the audience might say that… but generally it’s been good. It’s a little bit different from what we usually do but it kicks arse and it’s a bit eccentric, a bit psychedelic – what’s not to like?”

On the blower from Brighton where he’s often to be found riding his bike – or more recently, his kayak – down by the seafront, Captain is disarmingly modest about his musical endeavours. “I’m not sure if I ever thought we were anything as good as the bands that I followed. I never thought there’d be room for a bunch of oiks like us to join the incredible bands from the past, but there you go – people seem

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