Best Self Magazine

Stories in Motion: Oracles for the Modern Seeker

Photograph by Daniel Olah

A highly sensitive child who could sense the emotions and stories of others, learns to express her true gifts and powers via oracles

Growing up as a highly sensitive person, given to knowing things about everyone around me (without permission), I felt way too much, all the time. The world was a big blur of diaphanous stuff, brimming with information, feelings that were not mine, stories about others I shouldn’t know about and a pervading sense that I just didn’t belong, had no map, and my boat just might capsize at any minute.

The one thing I wanted was certainty. I was three when I discovered I could dream about other people’s secrets — my mom’s in particular, although it took her 22 years to tell me the truth about why she was afraid of me and my nightmares. I don’t blame her.

What do you say to a kid who sees her grandfather die in a concentration camp in her dreams when you

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